Data retention policy
Data is retained indefinitely and can be deleted upon request or with account termination.
Data archiving and removal policy
PingMi will remove customer data upon request.
Data storage policy
All customer data is stored in a Mongo database, deployed on official cloud database Mongodb Atlas service.
hosted in the AWS / Frankfurt (eu-central-1)
Data center location(s)
Data hosting details
Cloud hosted
Data hosting company
Mongodb Atlas, AWS
App/service has sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)
LLM model(s) used
gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini
LLM retention settings
Our application does not retain customer data sent to the LLM. All data is processed transiently via API calls and is not stored in our systems or reused after processing. Logs may store metadata (e.g., timestamps, request identifiers) for debugging purpo
LLM data tenancy policy
Our application uses OpenAI's GPT models via API. Data is processed securely and transiently by OpenAI's infrastructure. Customer data is not stored or reused for model training. OpenAI's API complies with strict data security and privacy standards.
LLM data residency policy
Customer data is processed via OpenAI's servers, primarily located in the United States. All data processing is transient and occurs within OpenAI's secured infrastructure.